William Dexter

William Dexter (1840-1891) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1881, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Dacre Park, Lee. The church was a member of the Metropolitan Association of Strict Baptist Churches. A few years prior to his death, he was appointed by the Association to deliver an address at Soho chapel, addressing the brethren on the power of God’s Word in the lives of His regenerate people.

  • William Dexter

    The Life And Ministry Of William Knibb Dexter

    Dear Mr. Editor,—Circumstances are constantly transpiring around us testifying to the fact that whilst the spirit is immortal the body is mortal. Lately a time-honoured and faithful minister of Christ, a beloved brother in the Lord, has been called from these scenes of labour and conflict to higher service in the glory world. William Knibb Dexter, the youngest son of Benjamin Bull Dexter, a missionary in Jamaica, co-temporary with William Knibb, of anti-slavery notoriety. He was born on December 29th, 1840, five years before the death of Knibb, and was named after his distinguished relative, Knibb, being related to the family. The child grew, and at an early age began to display some force of character, having a will of his own, and showing strong…