James Mote

James Mote (?) was a Strict and Particular Baptist deacon. He served two churches, Union-yard Chapel and Dacre-park, Blackheath. He also served as the solicitor for the Metropolitan Association Of Strict Baptist Churches. Incidentally, he was the nephew of Edward Mote, the hymn-writer who composed, “My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.”

  • James Mote

    The Life And Ministry Of James Mote

    The following narrative has been compiled at the request of the Trustees of this Magazine, as the subject of it having been connected with the Strict Baptist body for half a century, his knowledge of the changes that have taken place in it during that period to which it refers, they think may prove interesting to our readers:— It was about 50 years since, as far as my memory will serve me, that I had any concern about my soul's salvation, when I was the subject of several dreams that the day of judgment had come, and I was unprepared for it. The impression thus made upon my mind never forsook me, but caused me great anxiety, and led to a careful perusal of the…