• John MacGowan

    The Life And Ministry Of John MacGowan

    John MacGowan (1726–1780), baptist minister, was born in 1726 at Edinburgh. After receiving a good education, he was apprenticed to a weaver. He subsequently settled in Bridge Street, Warrington, as a baker. He had early become a Wesleyan, and now joined the methodist movement as a preacher. At a later period he was attracted by the independents, but finally joined the particular baptists. He ministered at the old baptist chapel at Hill Cliff, near Warrington, and afterwards at Bridgnorth (Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vii. 75).

  • John MacGowan

    The Life And Testimony Of John MacGowan

    Mr. John MacGowan, known to the world as the author of ‘Dialogues of Devils,’ and other ingenious works, was a Baptist minister, and pastor of the church meeting in Devonshire-square, London. In the early part of his life he was in connection with the Wesleyan Methodists, but after his mind was enlightened to see the glory of sovereign grace, he zealously and publicly preached all those important truths which the Particular Baptists at that time steadily maintained.  [Mr. Macgowan’s views of the distinguishing doctrines of the gospel may be collected from the following pathetic lines, which he composed on the death of Dr. Gill. I quote them with much approbation, excepting the allusion to Elijah and Elisha, which appears to savour too much of the…

  • George Drake

    The Life And Ministry Of George Drake

    We give a few particulars respecting the illness and death of our dear departed minister, Mr. Drake. He had been very unwell for some time, but was taken with a severe bilious attack and much sickness, which brought on extreme weakness; and from this he never recovered. He continued preaching up to the first Lord's day in July. On that day he preached in the morning from Phil. 4:19, and in the afternoon administered the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. He got out to the prayer meeting on the Monday evening following, but was not able to come among us after.

  • George Ella's Biographical Sketches,  Martin Bucer

    The Life And Ministry Of Martin Bucer

    One of the most important Reformation figures was undoubtedly Martin Bucer who was born in Alsatia in 1491 and died at Cambridge in 1551. His status as Reforming leader is emphasised by the way he was treated after his death. When Mary the Bloody came to power in 1553, she imported a band of Italian thugs under their captain Cardinal Pole to symbolise her own triumph over the Reformation. Pole and his henchmen were given the task of holding a mock heresy trial over Bucer’s grave and then pronouncing him guilty. After going through this shameful sham, they dug up the saint’s remains, tied them to a stake, and piled Bucer’s books around his bones. Then they set the morbid scene on fire. Mary, in…

  • James Mehew

    The Life And Ministry Of James Mehew

    His first convictions of a saving character commenced through the following circumstance. He had a companion, a young man, for whom he had a great regard, who became seriously inclined, and who informed him unless he altered his course of life, their acquaintance must be broken off. On hearing this, he was led to reflect upon his state and condition, and the Lord was pleased to commence a work of grace in his heart, causing him to feel what a great and awful sinner he was in the sight of a heart-searching God. The curse and condemnation of the law entered into his very soul. His transgressions stared him in the face, and their guilt was laid upon his mind; so that he could see…

  • Samuel Turner

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Turner

    Mr. Turner was born in London, and was called to a knowledge of himself as a sinner and the Lord Jesus Christ as a Saviour, under that unequalled minister of Christ in modern times, the late William Huntington, whom he dearly loved. It appears from Mr. T.'s statements to many of his friends, that he was brought to know the Lord in his youth, and by the Holy Spirit was separated to the work of the ministry about 50 years ago. He was made instrumental to the deliverance of many poor sin-burdened, law-condemned souls, and as an experimental minister in the sweetness of the love of Christ, the condemnation of the law, the temptations of Satan, the deceitfulness of the heart, and the quickening, convincing,…