Benjamin Ramsbottom
Benjamin Ramsbottom (1929-2023) was a Strict and Particular Baptist preacher. In 1967, he was appointed pastor of the church meeting at Bethel Strict Baptist Church, Luton, Bedfordshire, a position he held for fifty-five years.
The Dying Thief
Was there ever such a display of the riches of sovereign grace! Nothing but grace reigns here! Man’s merit has no part. Just consider the character of the dying thief. He is described as a malefactor, an evil doer. Whenever I have mentioned the dying thief over the years, and we have had visitors from Holland, they have always been surprised, because they say that the Dutch version speaks of him as the murderer, the dying murderer. He had nothing, not one claim upon the justice of God or the mercy of God. If you look in one of the other gospels, we are told that both the thieves reviled the dying Saviour, casting scorn upon Him, saying, “If Thou be the Son of God,…
Peace, Be Still
These wonderful miracles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ clearly display His eternal power and Godhead. They bear witness to who He is. But when we read them, we always need to remember that foun- dation truth: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” – His power the same, His love and mercy the same, His compassion the same. Mind you, it is very evident that we do not witness these remarkable outward miracles the same today, and of course there is a reason for that. In the Word of God you do not just have miracles taking place haphazardly. They are for a purpose. And you do not get miracles all the way through the Bible. You read the…
The Life And Witness Of Benjamin Ashworth Ramsbottom
Benjamin Ramsbottom was born in the industrial town of Haslingden, among the hills and moors of Lancashire, in April 1929. It was here that he heard the three great calls of his Lord and Master: his call by grace in the 1940s; the call to the gospel ministry in the 1950s; and, in the 1960s, the call to the long and fruitful pastorate at Luton – a call which took him away from his beloved Lancashire. He was brought up to attend Cave Adullam Chapel in Haslingden. He enjoyed helping his grandfather in the chores around chapel, and from the age of nine played the organ for public worship. “I had a natural interest in the services of the house of God but, as I…
The Days Of Noah
I suppose that most of us are deeply concerned about the very evil, wicked days in which we live. Perilous times have come. Evil men have begun to wax worse and worse. We see the immorality on every hand. We see wickedness, deceit in high places; with our rulers God is not in all their thoughts – the dreadful legislation there has been in Parliament and our Prime Minister [David Cameron, Prime Minister 2010-2016] glorying in it, seeking to impress other countries with it, even the Archbishop of Canterbury leaning towards it, and sport idolised and all the abominations connected with it, that we wonder whatever will be next. People say, Was there ever such a day as this? Well, we think of the days…
Following The Lord Jesus Christ
The subject here is a vital one: following the Lord Jesus. We have here three different people, all talking about following the Lord Jesus. We do not know their names; we do not know what happened to them after- wards; but we have very clearly set before us the way the Lord Jesus dealt with them and the things He said to them. Now the first. “It came to pass, that, as they went in the way, a certain man said unto Him, Lord, I will follow Thee whithersoever Thou goest.” In the account we read this morning (Matthew 8. 18-22), we are told that this man was a scribe, which means he was an eminent man. The Lord Jesus did not have many scribes…